Buy, Sell, Trade, or use our Trade and Grade service for Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic The Gathering, and other TCG Cards or any Sports Memorabilia and NFT’s through the TCG Trading platform and pay with our own cryptocurrency TCGCoin. The funds can be held in a secure wallet until the goods are received and verified. We are working on a network for buyer’s and seller’s to have the option to use a trusted middleman service who can check the goods to verify the condition and content before the release of funds from the Escrow wallet. There are no trading fees like with other platforms. The more investors buy the coin on the regular market the more valuable they become so TCG Coin investors that buy the coin or save the coin from trading cards can also hold on to the coin to potentially make profit off the coin too which can either be withdrawn or used to buy other items through the platform.