SPHERE project (token ticker SPHR) is a company striving to change the way the financial interactions are being played out all over the world. The current payment systems used by the world’s banking and commercial institutions assume a great deal of control, and exert a great deal of influence over their userbase. In fact, due to the unbelievable amount of centralization, it could be said that the worldwide banking is moving even closer to the oligopoly with each passing year. The decentralized currency Sphere being one among many other currencies that aim to break up that kind of monopoly, create the shadow market, break up the unneeded and dangerous financial centralized institutions. This is exactly why Sphere is creating their own cryptocurrency. The idea is that it is impossible to hack, look up or otherwise tamper with the payment information stored on a distributed ledger, and on top of that, the token itself could be traded as a commodity, creating a double possible value for the users.