Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

Quantum Resistant Ledger QRL

Quantum Resistant Ledger is a blockchain platform designed specifically to counter hacking attacks based on quantum computing technologies

QRL is a cryptocurrency implemented to be resistant to both classical and quantum computer attacks. The initial goal of the project is to create a functional and secure blockchain.

Token Blockchain: Ethereum CMC Rank: 698
  • USD: $0.26
    1h: 1.39% 24h: 3.16% 7d: 1.18%
  • BTC: 0.0000066 BTC
  • ETH: 0.00011 ETH
All Time High: $3.87 7 years ago
Current price is -93 % from ATH
  • Cap: $19 223 626
  • Vol 24h: $59 933 (0.31 %)
  • Circulating: 74 212 416 QRL (70.7 %)
  • Total: 105 000 000 QRL (100.0%)
  • Max: 105 000 000 QRL

Quantum Resistant Ledger Price Chart

About Quantum Resistant Ledger

The creators of the Quantum Resistant Ledger platform chose an unusual goal - developing a system that is immune to hacking using a quantum computer. According to them, the existing protection algorithms will not help against a computer operating on the principles of quantum mechanics. And that is the problem. All existing computers are currently use technologies of classical physics. And today there are only a number of theories that can help in the construction of a quantum computer. In terms of information processing speed, such a machine will be several orders ahead of any existing computing devices. And we are talking not only about home PCs but also about industrial computers. According to some experts, Bitcoin (and several other platforms) is reliably protected from hacking. But the developers of Quantum Resistant Ledger argue that using a quantum computer will be able to hack the system. As they explain, the point here is that when creating a transaction through the blockchain, the public key is used. Theoretically, the key is opened only at the time of the transaction. The algorithm of Quantum Resistant Ledger avoids a situation in which the public key can benefit the attacker.

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Quantum Resistant Ledger All Time High Chart

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  • Created: 7 years ago