Lambda was built by a team of professionals looking to monetize on a huge untapped market for the blockchain technology: that of the immensely unequal distribution of the data storage between the users of the Internet. Obviously almost every user of a personal computer right now has terabytes upon terabytes of the storage space that simply goes unused from day to day. Well, those people can contact the Lambda project and become what they term at Lambda a Storage Miner - that would be just the people who are loaning out their unused storage to the projects and individuals needing it most. Using the platform, the people around the globe will be able to connect on the basis of their informational needs and data storage capabilities. The project that might need an exorbitant amount of free space for their work will be able to cut costs considerably without having to buy the hardware, rent the space and pay for the assembly - using blockchain technology, their storage needs will be met in a very convenient way without any hassle.