Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

BitTorrent BTT

Blockchain solutions for file-sharing system

Platform for using world-famous BitTorrent and uTorrent products.

Token Blockchain: TRON CMC Rank: 47 Team Location: San Francisco, USA
  • USD: $0.00076
    1h: 0.69% 24h: 3.44% 7d: 6.88%
  • BTC: 0.00000019 BTC
  • TRX: 0.10 TRX
All Time High: $0.0012 6 years ago
Current price is -39 % from ATH
  • Cap: $130 268 899
  • Vol 24h: $17 823 861 (13.68 %)
  • Circulating: 170 421 000 000 BTT (17.2 %)
  • Total: 990 000 000 000 BTT

BitTorrent Price Chart

About BitTorrent

BitTorrent is a well-known software company providing P2P tech solutions for file sharing. The company has 2 extremely popular products: Bittorrent and uTorrent with millions of users. BitTorrent (BTT) is a TRON-blockchain based platform. BitTorrent protocol aims to bring innovations and revolutionize the file distributing with the help of blockchain solutions and token system. The main idea of the project is to make a contact between content creators and users, to get and spend cryptocurrency within one platform. With the help of BitTorrent 2P2 net and TRON blockchain tech, this project aims to provide hundreds of millions users with new experience of Torrent using.
BitTorrent protocol provides users with decentralized distribution of files. The protocol is open and it is incorporated in lots of programs with billions of downloads. BitTorrent protocol provides users’ clients endpoints with connection to other clients in order to share available files. Customers download .torrent files with metadata about the shared files. Then, the client requests for torrent-tracker and gets the IP-addresses of the users who share and download files (called seeds).
The protocol is optimized with BitTorrent Speed tech while TRON blockchain provides file shares with high productivity.

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BitTorrent All Time High Chart