Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%


BYTEX is an international crypto exchange owned by users, projects and investors. BYTEX's trans-fee mining model shares value with our community. BYTEX users are rewarded with full amount of trading fees in BYTEX token - BYT. In addition, 80% of total collected trading fees are distributed to BYT holders every day (dividends are paid in BTC, ETH, BCH, and other tokens). BYTEX is a global exchange based in Singapore with operation teams in Korea, China and the US. Our team consists of professionals in trade system development, marketing, and finance, etc. We are revolutionizing the way people trade and invest in crypto currencies.

Volume 24h: $204.0

Bytex coins

Coin Volume 24h USD Volume 24h BTC
Bitcoin Cash $3 050 0.62 BTC
Metadium $152.5 0.042 BTC
Ethereum $145.7 0.040 BTC
Bytex Token $103.7 0.026 BTC
Bitcoin $96.01 0.024 BTC
Ultiledger $0.47 0.00013 BTC
Qtum $0.056 0.000016 BTC
Bodhi [ETH] $0.043 0.000012 BTC
Bodhi $0.00047 0.00000013 BTC

Bytex markets

Coin Market Volume 24h USD Volume 24h BTC
Bitcoin Cash BCH/USDT $3 049 0.62 BTC
Metadium META/USDT $152.5 0.042 BTC
Ethereum ETH/USDT $143.2 0.040 BTC
Bytex Token BYT/BTC $103.7 0.026 BTC
Bitcoin BTC/USDT $96.01 0.024 BTC
Ethereum ETH/BTC $2.53 0.00063 BTC
Bitcoin Cash BCH/BTC $0.78 0.00016 BTC
Ultiledger ULT/BTC $0.35 0.000097 BTC
Ultiledger ULT/USDT $0.12 0.000032 BTC
Qtum QTUM/USDT $0.055 0.000015 BTC
Bodhi [ETH] BOE/USDT $0.026 0.0000072 BTC
Bodhi [ETH] BOE/BTC $0.017 0.0000046 BTC
Qtum QTUM/BTC $0.0018 0.00000049 BTC
Bodhi BOT/BTC $0.00047 0.00000013 BTC
Metadium META/BTC $0.000072 0.000000020 BTC
Bodhi BOT/USDT $0.0000012 0.00 BTC