X is a super rare token with a total supply of only 21,000 making it 1000 times more scarce than Bitcoin. X was created by the SpaceGrime team to serve as the ultimate long term store of value for the future as a complement to the interplanetary currency GRIMEX. Unlike GRIMEX that has a very high supply and very low network fees and airdrops, X is optimized to become extremely scarce over time and for it’s value to increase to more than any other coin. It has very low supply hyper-deflationary features far exceeding that of any other token.
X will have a mechanism implemented which charges a high fee to sellers and requires very high slippage settings. This fee will be 20%, of which 10% is “burned” forever in locked liquidity and 10% is redistributed to the other wallets holding the coin. Slippage settings must be 25% for a transaction to go through. In the future, just like GRIMEX, X will also be able to migrate and be interoperable with other layer-1 Blockchains for redundancy; X wouldn’t have to live with the shortcomings of any particular chain. X will initially be available for purchase on PancakeSwap.