Developers seek to simplify the payment system and integrate digital money at the household level of their use. For these purposes, the InstantPay mechanism has been implemented in the system. This tool allows you to pay for purchases as quickly as with plastic cards MasterCard and Visa. SmartCash developers seek to expand the use of their cryptocurrency and make it relevant not only in online stores but also in everyday life. To promote and update their digital money, developers actively focus on community support and project development based on a decentralized voting system. As part of SmartCash, a three-level system of distributing the reward for the formed block is formed. Smart Hives - is a program focused on the development of the project. 80% of the award for a block goes to finance it, and it works on the same principle as in Dash system: the user offers his own idea for improving SmartCash, is actively promoting it; the project is put forward for a general vote among cryptocurrency holders; in the case of a positive vote, the user receives the required funding and can proceed with the implementation of the project.