Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%


Facilitating customer experience

Ark is considered to be a new word in cryptocurrency ecosystem, the main aim of which is to provide not only speculative trading tools, but services for ordinary customers.

Proof Type: Proof of Stake (PoS) Algorithm: DPoS CMC Rank: 229
  • USD: $0.92
    1h: 1.11% 24h: 6.21% 7d: 14.86%
  • BTC: 0.000028 BTC
All Time High: $10.22 7 years ago
Current price is -91 % from ATH
  • Cap: $146 446 824
  • Vol 24h: $1 518 712 (1.04 %)
  • Circulating: 158 578 330 ARK

Ark Price Chart

About Ark

With the appearance of new distributed ledger technologies the world has undergone great changes. It has become easier to transfer money, keeping security, anonymity and fast-speed flow. Also, it facilitated banking payments, enhanced cyber security and improved some spheres of people’s life. Nevertheless, the world has divided into supporters of this technology, advocating its contribution into easing the majority of processes, and those who still see that system too risky or complicated for understanding. Ark platform strives to resolve this issue and form positive attitude towards blockchain.
The platform suggests users innovative solutions and programming real-world applications for everyday usage and building fruitful integrated relationships with leaders of digital market. Ark platform calls upon facilitating users’ experience of blockchain operating and aims at mass digital currency acceptance.
Ark team is aiming to integrate blockchain in the general population utilization and upgrade it to perfection. Opposing usual altcoins, that usually offer just an ordinary investment tool, the Ark seeks to frame, what their team calls, “an environment of connected chains and a connected net of infinite use cases that turn Ark into very multifunctional, soft and adjusted to scale".
The main idea of ​​Ark is to compose a converging point for a variety of blockrooms that are used at the same time. And that’s what actually lures users in Ark platform: its main advantage is a potential to carry out revolution at the crypto-currency market, as far as it can connect different competing chain blocks and to close the interval between them.
Some top coins, for example, are not compatible within one blockchain, because the whole is noncompatible. The platform uses SmartBridges technology, which makes possible to interconnect chain ecosystem.
The central peculiarity of Ark is a fast flow of processing transactions within blockchain. The team claims it provides superhigh-speed transactions, what differentiate Ark among existing coins on the market. The time per block is 8 seconds only, so there is no need to wait for transaction to pass as it is within Bitcoin platform, where transaction can take up more than 10 minutes. In addition, the Ark is adjusted to scale and it gives larger bandwidth when it is needed. So, the domain offloads a kind of insignificant functions to side-chains making dominant chain prompt and efficient. Ark wins wider popularity and today more and more people carry out transactions within the platform, but still infrastructure perform remarkable processing speed.
Another great element of the Ark project that can impress users is designed DPoS (Delegated Proof-of-Stake) algorithm. It is characterized by higher decentralization of voting system. How does it function? Users selects 51 delegates, notionally named the node, and they process transactions and work out the blockchain itself, after what they receive remuneration in Ark crypto for this activity.
For the every block, that was created, these delegates receive 2 ARK tokens. According to the instructions, as a token keeper, user should cast a vote in favor of a delegate, but only for one at a time. The fee for voting or unvoting costs just one token which is going to be marked down to the minimum. So, it’s quite easy and inexpensive to advocate a delegate through voting. Here works the following proportion: the more ARK tokens you possess, the more weighty and valuable your vote is.
What’s more, developers team didn’t left the platform’s usability behind. They have integrated a variety of coding languages, that makes it convenient for any developer to build on top of Ark. The platform supports almost 20 kinds of computer programming languages, and anyone can create his own project just with imperceivable touch.
By the way, Ark platform wasn’t created by one man or local team. It was introduced by almost 30 members from every corner of the world in October 2016. Team members are located at different ends of the globe, what undoubtedly makes the team decentralized, exactly like their project. Now there are 23 key players, that improving the platform every day. So this project is considered to be a collaborative creation of a team from 11 different countries, the hard work of which is a key to success of the project.
Ark is constantly developing to improve the current state of blockchain industry on the digital market. The team approves that implementing blockchain to everyday life will definitely benefit every aspect of our life.
If the team continues to fulfill and launch everything they’ve set on outlined objectives, there’s no doubt that this domain could become one of the most fundamental tool in the world of digital blockchain technologies.

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  • Created: 8 years ago
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