ZillonLife was established in the year 2016. ZillonLife works on a 100% online ordering and fulfilment model for optimizing operating costs and making the business more competitive. Product line constitutes of :
Online Tech Education, Accounting, Taxation and financial services, Air Purification Systems, Electronic Surveillance, Luxury bath and shower, Royal Darjeeling Tea, Luxury electronics. ZLF Token was created with an objective to connect the traditional e-com business of ZillonLife to blockchain technology thus acting as an enabler to provide services at a global scale. ZLF Token enables users to participate in the ZillonLife ecosystem as a global stake holder as well as gain access to international product portfolio from any part of the globe. ZLF Token thus makes the offering borderless and also benefits the consumers in terms of savings on global remittance charges. Also the number of tokens held by an individual will be the measurement of ownership in ZillonLife. It will transfer 1% of its monthly turnover & 10% of annual profit to the token owner pool in the form of ZLF tokens.