The digital token TMTG denotes “The Midas Touch Gold", the name of which comes from Midas character from Greek Mythology. TMTG is used for activating and operating within the Digital Gold Exchange ecosystem, which is integrated in TMTG Project. This token is considered to be the utility one and it works only as a means to purchasing other cryptocurrencies on the decentralized exchange platform.
The DGE platform provides users with the tools to store and transfer their assets safely and in transparent way. The main focus is made on such notions as mutual trust and reliability of the trade without any middleman. Digital Gold Exchange is also a platform for data exchange, which creates fair conditions for trading in the gold trade market. The team assures that absolutely anyone can trade gold fairly and safely with the help of TMTG tokens.
Along with trading of real gold with tokens, users are also able to store and build their assets within user-friendly platform. One more opportunity is intermediary-free P2P trading. Although there is a low fixed fee for carrying out transactions, users can safely exchange currency into real gold from any corner of the world, including Korea and other affiliated regions. Conversion rates are based on official market prices of gold exchanges globally. Authentication is also required to be passed, but only once. TMTG can also be gifted to other users if so desired. The DGE platform represents a simple and understandable trade system, which can be easily accessed from any place with Wi-Fi access. The team is mainly focused on gold, a precious metal used in everyday lives, which is recognized worldwide as a monetary and property asset.