Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

Slate SLX

CMC Rank: 539
  • USD: $0.0042
    1h: 1.3% 24h: 3.36% 7d: 27.83%
  • BTC: 0.00000011 BTC
All Time High: $0.020 6 years ago
Current price is -79 % from ATH
  • Cap: $33 121 617
  • Vol 24h: $29 524 (0.09 %)
  • Circulating: 7 858 322 009 SLX

Slate Price Chart

About Slate

How does the project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects: The decentralized system will deliver low-cost, high-speed, high-definition video globally and facilitate live event ticketing on the blockchain. Consumers will be able to spend SLATE cryptocurrency (SLX) on some of the best entertainment the world has to offer. As an open source protocol SLATE Chain creates value to the ecosystem since the chain can be used as a media storage and delivery protocol by small and medium enterprise for years to come. Other competing projects are not competing are not creating their own chain with a utility protocol. To execute on our project we have assembled a talented team with extensive experience in all facets of entertainment, business and blockchain.

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SLX Supply Allocation

Slate All Time High Chart