Roti Bank Coin is a modern day digital currency which primarily dealswith charity.Roti Bank Coin is one of advanced technology based crypto currency,Launched on 22nd November 2020.Roti Bank Coin raises funds for charity purposes like homes fororphans, old aged homeless parents.Roti Bank Coin concept is totally based from Sree Maa Roti Bank of India whichis a charitable organization started on 15/10/2018 by formulating SreeMaa Roti Bank Foundation (Trust) ,properly Govt. Registered andsuccessfully runs an orphanage in Agar- tala, India.Roti Bank Coin is a sub part of ETH which trades in Etherflyerconsists of High Class professionals in Web Development, Finance, andHigh Frequency Algorithmic Trading operations around the world. Inaddition, it also serves as a coin-to-coin and P2P trading platformgeared to the global market.