RoBET is aiming to be the biggest and the most influential betting platform and ecosystem on the Web. Using their systems, you can not only make bets and collect your winnings, but also register as a bookmaker, since all of the betting is done in a peer-to-peer fashion, eliminating the malevolent commissions that all of the bookmakers needed to pay in the more traditional systems of the betting industry. RoBET also hosts a crypto digital assets exchange right on the same platform, which allows you to first bet the tokens, then collect your earnings automatically (no chance of being robbed or anything of the sort), then trade the tokens you’ve just received and get any currency you currently need for it, from Ethereum and Bitcoin all the way to the traditional fiat money. The platform will also support the AI-based protocols that would work to give the accurate chances on the outcomes of different sporting events, so that the stakes are never skewed, nor can they be intentionally weighted against a team or a person.