RACE offers highly secured, anonymous transactions across the world. RACE supports Masternodes with a high ROI.
Features as Private send and instant send make RACE a future-oriented currency on the market.
With a new and highly motivated team and a handful selected early-investors in background, it is our goal to make RACE a valuable and stable currency in the crypto universe! Our plans and ideas for RACE as well as the interests of our early-investors are designed for a long time investment! So do not expect "RACE to the moon" in the near future! Maybe in the medium term, but we do everything to achieve this goal in the long term!
We want to be honest with our investors right from the (new) start!
We do not want to promise anything that we may not be able to keep and therefore things will not be announced until they are in a resilient state.
That is also the reason why we do not want to make any statements about the concrete future of RACE at this point of our work.
At the current time we can and want only say: The name of the coin will play a bigger role in the future and will be the basis of our work!