ProximaX is the embodiment of an all-in-one project – this is completely new platform and ecosystem, which would encompass the entire spectrum of blockchain-based services, going from blockchain storage, to streaming and database, and so on. By creating a space where all of these applications are possible at the same time, ProximaX is aiming to reduce costs for companies to engage with the blockchain technology, to lower the time and money required to use the different available features. On top of its features, there is also a peer-to-peer functionalities of the cloud technology type, among them the content delivery networks (CDN’s). All of that ProximaX is building with what they call an Integrated and Distributed Ledger Technology (or IaDLT). This is exactly the amalgamation of protocols, platforms and technologies needed to provide an all-in-one blockchain solution. ProximaX is looking to revolutionize such areas as data storage, P2P sharing services, and more.