The Pascal Coin blockchain does not store the entire history of online operations. The data on all accounts and balances of crypto investors are stored in blocks. The blocks, in turn, are placed in the so-called safes (safeboxes). Hash codes are also stored in safes to prevent interference with data integrity. You can delete the entire blockchain in such a system, but the network will work because the transaction data is completely preserved. In general, all the important information and complex calculations are contained only in the first 100 blocks, the rest can be easily destroyed, and this will not affect the operation of the network.
Another feature of this crypto is the creation of an account. It can not be created independently. This can be done only by mining. 5 new accounts are added to the chains when a user mines a new unit, . Since cryptocurrency works on the principle of Proof-of-Work, one of these accounts contains a reward for mining.