The principle of creating a common base of availability of parking spaces, integrated with requests for their rent/purchase is at the heart of PARKGENE project. The system will work as follows: the driver knows in advance about the final place in which he needs to leave the car. He opens a system where available parking spaces are already marked, chooses what is needed, and communicates with its owner. All the work inside the service will be carried out through smart contracts. They will eliminate the third party, create the most convenient conditions for the search and payment (payment within the service will occur through the official coins GENE). It turns out that the project is mostly social. He, through the area reservation, creates the conditions for a partial solution of the parking problem. It is noteworthy that it is applicable not only at rush hour in the capital but also for traveling to other cities. What could be better? Essentially, PARKGENE is like Airbnb, but for parking only. The application base was taken from the already finished project ParkGuru.