Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%


  • USD: $0.000034
    1h: 0.6% 24h: 2.12% 7d: 57.4%
  • BTC: 0.0000000011 BTC
All Time High: $0.0069 6 years ago
Current price is -100 % from ATH
  • Cap: -
  • Vol 24h: $2 396
  • Total: 2 000 000 000 NOVA

NOVA Price Chart

About NOVA

Nova is a consensus-driven content ecology based on blockchain.

Nova has established an effective value consensus mechanism and content realization method. In the Nova ecosystem, both the content creator, the sifter, the investor, and the eco-builder can get the corresponding Token incentives. So as to improve the efficiency of the whole content industry chain and build a new ecology of the content industry with high efficiency, fairness and transparency.

NOVA, as a cryptographic token issued by the project, will flow through the entire ecosystem. Every user who contributes to the ecology can transform and obtain the corresponding NOVA according to the algorithm. And in the actual application scenarios in the ecology, such as business cooperation, rewards, cash withdrawal fees, etc., will need to use NOVA.

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NOVA All Time High Chart