Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

News24 NEWS

  • USD: $0.0024
    1h: 0% 24h: 0% 7d: 0%
  • BTC: 0.000000038 BTC
All Time High: $0.45 4 years ago
Current price is -99 % from ATH
  • Cap: -
  • Vol 24h: $0.49
  • Total: 21 000 000 NEWS

News24 Price Chart

About News24

News24Coin ``Ticker NEWS`` is a new crypto currency that aims to support all old, new and upcoming digital coin announcements
News24Coin Team will offer all Developers, Investors and Crypto curious / enthusiastic a view of all coins, listing them in a new innovative forum where the freedom of speech has no limits!
(always with respect and acceptance of others opinions).

With our project / platform we believe we can gather developers to list a early stage of their project and be recognized and known in this world that is already so full!

Our effort in launching this forum / platform / coin is to guide users that seek information that is sometimes hard to find. Such as guides to mining coins and answering questions about their algorithms and their wallets and all the secrets that experienced users tend to not share, making it difficult for new users to integrate into this vast and complicated crypto world!"

We will have trustful partnerships to forward into where all developers making the use of News24 Coin or BTC as payment can list their coin in marketing platforms such as Discord, Telegram, Twitter, and even YouTube channels to spread the word about their project.

News24Coin is a open source and decentralized blockchain based cryptocurrency. We will seek share and comment with a knowledgeable team of members all about what news is coming out about all things blockchain using sources like Cointelegraph and other crypto media flows so that everyone can be informed about every coin and blockchain trend in one place!

The News24Coin team will reward users with News24Coin for sharing their knowledge news tips or any other useful information about coins. We will read and validate users posts accordingly and will reward them only for valid information and not for double posts unhelpful information and spam. This is to make sure that all information shared is authentic and useful and improves the quality of our forum and creates a healthy environment where everything is useful to all! Users can also tip each other News24Coins as appreciation for posting useful information or comments!

The News24Coin Forum will be a place where you can place your advertisements announcements or even seek professionals to develop graphic content, bots, mining pools, white papers, marketing partners etc.

In fact we want to make our forum a place where project leaders can find workers or tools to do a single job or find new staff members to hire to their team.
We are seeking partnerships in order to make the use of News24Coin a payment for goods instead of BTC with that we can reach more attention to our project and increase volume and value in the market. Our project is simple but aims to help others in the crypto world.

News24 Upcoming Events


News24 News


News24 All Time High Chart