Large and small enterprises all over the world are used to recruit a large number of employees. But it should be always kept in mind that any staff can include incompetent workers, what significantly reduces the productivity of the entire enterprise and negatively affects its activity. The Nework team strongly believes that blockchain is still on the eve of explosive growth and it can help to bring individual business economy to a new higher level. Being based on the smart contracts of blockchain technology, Nework aims to solve problems of individual business behavior like trust, forecasting, transaction and delivery.
It is now obvious that within the development of technologies individual economy occupies a firm position. Today, such professions of individual service as freelancer, YouTube celebrity, shared service provider, individual household become more and more popular. Nework facilitates their lives through offering a one-stop solution, where everyone can post and participate in individual projects, as well as offering a variety of management tools. The new network is almost resistant to cheating and malicious actions.
Nework team is majorly located in Singapore and the whole company is managed on a non-profit basis. Team members have rich experience in the area of blockchain and trying to improve the current state of affairs of individual business economy. All in all, the Nework platform is trying to release global individual productivity.