New Power Coin is the project with an ambition to rebuild the entire Internet from the ground. Their token (token ticker NPW) has a purpose to be its ultimate and most commonly-used means of financial exchange. The way New Power Coin project intends to implement their ideas is to define the problem itself with the currently-existing Internet: the personal information of people around the world no longer belongs to them: certain websites, due to the ever-more increasing centralization enjoy more and more of control over the lives of the Internet users around the world. The actions performed over the Internet are getting slower, while the intimate personal details of the userbases of the tech giants are at a larger and larger peril of being hacked and/or simply sold. So the project is aiming to create a totally new type of traffic, the one that would move through the masternodes, that would provide users with a total control of their personal information guaranteed speed, transparency and convenience.