MeshBox (with the token ticker MESH) is the product designed by the MeshBox company in order to create a type of central node that would be able to provide a routing, storage and data streaming services that would be efficient and decentralized at the same time, and to create a network with the nodes for that network being the smart phones, and other smart devices, along with the Internet of Things objects used by people every day. The ability to mine, transfer and spend tokens without even accessing the Internet is crucial in the twenty first century, as the website for the MeshBox claims, and so it's been made a priority to achieve that level of compatibility and networking. Drawing on the decades worth of the experience working in the blockchain development, the project's team of top-notch experienced professionals is convinced it will be able to make the product work. The team is composed of senior staff engineers from such companies as Huawei, American Wireless Access, IBM, Lenovo and many more. Bringing all of that expertise to the table, MeshBox is sure that its token's price would be backed by its supreme product.