The key features of the project are:
1) Transparency and Accountability. Proof-of-Reputation (POR) automates all processes by confirming smart contracts. Moreover, companies are interested in their accountability because of the risk of loss, financial or reputational, caused by foul play or default; 2) Lack of mining and power consumption problems. The Proof-of-Work system of the consensus algorithm uses more than 2.6 GW of energy during mining - almost as much as the whole of Ireland. The use of the “Reputation Confirmation” consensus algorithm does not imply mining, and, therefore, is more environmentally friendly; 3) Increase transaction speed. Due to the presence of a smaller number of verification agents, as compared to other algorithms, the block size and block execution time the “Reputation Confirmation” consensus algorithm is significantly reduced, which in turn increases the potential speed of transactions; So, since the blockchain technology is finding more and more applications today, Reputation Confirmation (POR) models and companies such as Menlo One, which reinforces the updates of current consensus models, will play a more important role in achieving true decentralization in various industries.