LIKR Commerce Platform is a blockchain-based P2P commerce platform where participants are the center of commerce. We have established a voluntary commerce ecosystem through an interflow of data from brand companies, content providers and buyers.
The most distinctive feature of this platform is the system of turning consumers to sellers through the portal. Consumers could purchase products registered on LIKR Portal, and not only will they possibly share their reviews about the purchased product from LIKR portal but also, they can share any product review purchased from an external portal.
Through this purchase sharing activity, consumers are converted into sellers who can resell existing purchased products through individual liker shops provided. In other words, 'buyer' is the role of 'seller' by influencing other consumers through the product purchase and review.
This voluntary participation is made possible by LIKR Platform's unique reward system. Through this kind of purchasing sharing activity, Consumers are converted to the seller who could resell their purchased products. In other words, ‘consumer’ performs the role of the seller simultaneously by influencing other consumers through the purchase review.
Currently, LIKR is developing an electronic wallet, a commerce portal shop, and an individual LIKR shop to make smooth coins out for rewards.