Kineticex-KRC technical team has intelligently designed a platform for public using modern standards for payment solutions. This groundbreaking platform can be used worldwide for; Individuals to send and receive money, merchant to web payments for online shop payment processing, ATM machines to access and cash out payments anytime, keep their identity clearly proved just like people are using Facebook, Google or LinkedIn current standards. Moreover following our future plans most of hardware devices and ATM machines will be synchronized to be linked to our fast & secure blockchain network for payment solutions. Kineticex will be providing fully secure customer data with identity proves to avoid delays in KYC for online shop around the world. Moreover we are anticipated to provided one platform for many other features that customer always look forward including to convert account balance to any other digital currency or FIAT and cash out from any region of the world. There are a number of challenges in several industries for which Kineticex has been designed to solve.