Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%


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  • USD: $0.000035
    1h: 0% 24h: 0% 7d: 0%
  • BTC: 0.00000000063 BTC
All Time High: $0.0026 4 years ago
Current price is -99 % from ATH
  • Cap: -
  • Vol 24h: $9.94

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About Kapu

The Capua coins (that mean KAPU in the oscus alphabet) were forged during the Second Punic War (218 BC) in one of the few cities in the Italian peninsula that decided to ally with Hannibal to fight against the Roman Empire.
To achieve this, Capua broke relations with Rome and, in order to finance its expenses, forged and spread its coins around the cities of Atella and Galatia. The majority of the coins were minted in bronze and represented a similar value to those circulated by Rome (Rutter et al, 2001: p. 9). Archaeologically, it is known that Capua certainly minted a silver coin called the Didramma (Sambon 1021; HN Italy 480) and possibly a golden coin called the dracma aurea (HN Italy 479, SNG ANS 145; Rutter et al, 2001: p. 64).
The coin on the left represents the reverse of an oncia with a board running to the right. The value (a “tortello”) is indicated by the dot that can be found at the top of the coin, whilst the inscription “Kapu" on the bottom indicates the mint. (catalogue: HN Italy 506, Sambon 1043). Reference: Rutter et al. (2001). Historia Numorum - Italy. London, p. 9.

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