"Pokemon Go of Blockchain". IZX a gaming App in AR and an innovative open blockchain platform where users can immerse themselves in the augmented reality world, participating in partners' campaigns and hunting for tokens. Through gamification and virtual reality, IZX creates an augmented reality world with no geographical boundaries - creating equal opportunities for everybody: advertisers, game developers and players alike.
For instance, advertisers can now advertise their products and offerings in a fun and interactive manner while players can chance upon entertaining.
Around 100 000 of users from 80 countries are already collecting IZX tokens in a game with their smartphones. Then they can exchange their tokens on the crypto exchange. The App is available in Google Play and App store.
The main ways to join the IZX community and to get IZX tokens:
— download the app and collect gaming tokens in the augmented reality;
— get the tokens with our referral program;
— attract an advertiser and collect the tokens they place near their business locations! You will also get Bonus IZX ERC-20s for bringing advertising to IZX Platform