HavEtherToken (using the token ticker HET) is a project using the Ethereum platform and blockchain in order to conduct its ICO, and to build the platform that would allow people around the world to give the funds they have to the charities they choose. A big problem with the idea of charitable giving is so-called dollar effectiveness of the donations given to the different causes around the globe. There is simply no way to tell, out of the single hundred dollar payment, what amount of money would actually make it to the target of the charitable donation. The usage of blockchain technology allows to drastically, in a revolutionary way, cut out any possible middlemen and hassles preventing you from giving the most of your donation, the full hundred percent of it, to the cause of your choosing. The idea behind the HavEtherToken is that the current platforms receiving charitable donations are not sufficiently transparent, nor can they provide the security offered by the blockchain technology.