Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

GoByte GBX

Multi-functional crypto based on Dash

Performing monetary services, GoByte has its own features and functions.

Proof Type: Proof of Work (PoW) Algorithm: NeoScrypt CMC Rank: 2074
  • USD: $0.045
    1h: 2.18% 24h: 3.27% 7d: 9.21%
  • BTC: 0.0000014 BTC
All Time High: $78.66 7 years ago
Current price is -100 % from ATH
  • Cap: $434 343
  • Vol 24h: $124.3 (0.03 %)
  • Circulating: 9 575 849 GBX (30.1 %)
  • Total: 31 800 000 GBX (100.0%)
  • Max: 31 800 000 GBX

GoByte Price Chart

About GoByte

GoByte is a crypto with its Dash basis. GoByte’s mission is to provide sellers with financial services. This platform works on the masternode tech so it makes the process of payment totally safe and anonymous. GoByte uses special technology that provides systems with a really high speed of transactions: a little bit more than 1 second per each. With the help of PrivateSend tech and masternodes system you can manage your funds making it totally impossible to track.
The idea of GoByte project is to build a brand new economy system around the blockchain sphere. The team believes that this process should be started with providing liquidity and means of getting GBX coins cryptocurrency. Moreover, some of the team members worked on developing and supporting AMT systems that are very popular and convenient nowadays, so GoByte is planning the adaptation of these terminals services into the world of blockchain economy. These devices will be connected into one global GoByte pay system and they will form complete economic entity.
Also, creating this system GBX project performs Governance option which is used in Dash and some other cryptos. This feature provides node holders with some extra possibilities like crowdfunding, voting and ability to influence some events. For example to be a sponsor, reward developers or do some charity.
Providing financial help, society can support developments or organize events, help independent media or accelerate researches’ processes.
GoByte project is creating crypto to make funds management safer and easier than ever. The team also believes that blockchain tech will go away in future leaving only simple, convenient and user-friendly interface.
Finally, what are the advantages of GoByte? Its speed, for example: the platform appreciates your time, and uses special technology that confirms transactions really fast. Also, blockchain provides the system with the great level of safety, anonymity and privacy, while masternodes will perform extra useful options.

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GoByte All Time High Chart

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Twitter Stats
  • Followers: 2,800
  • Lists: 33
  • Favourites: 94
  • Update Frequency: 0.1 statuses/day
  • Created: 7 years ago