"The first Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-Burn and Proof-of-Transaction general purpose crypto currency with Hybrid Consensus Algorithm, Dynamic Zerocoin and Masternode voting for period based reward burning.
Galilel Coin (GALI and zGALI) is an open-source public and private Proof-of-Stake digital crypto currency for fast (using SwiftX), private (Zerocoin protocol) and secure micro transactions. Our main goal is to create a decentralized fully secure and anonymous network to run applications, which do not rely on any central body control. By having a distributed system, thousands of users will be responsible for maintaining the application and data so that there is no single point of failure.
Galilel is the worlds first crypto currency with Dynamic Zerocoin Proof-of-Stake (dzPoS) technology."