Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

FES chain

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FES chain FES

  • USD: $0.0013
    1h: 0% 24h: 0% 7d: 0%
  • BTC: 0.00000011 BTC
All Time High: $0.31 5 years ago
Current price is -100 % from ATH
  • Cap: -
  • Vol 24h: $0.00
  • Total: 600 000 000 FES

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About FES chain

Financial ecological chain refers to the living state of financial institutions and their interlocking relationship with the social environment. People often use "ecology" to define many beautiful things, such as health, beauty, harmony and other things can be described as "ecology". In the process of asset digitization, we hope to solve the problems of limited capacity of public chain, high transaction cost on the chain, user privacy and authenticity and consistency between digital assets and real assets through financial ecological chain. We hope that through financial chain, commercial blockchain will have unlimited capacity, basic free of charge and the ability to protect trade secrets. Different businesses and scenarios are connected together through technology to achieve efficient collaboration.

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