The ERC20 token (not to be confused with the widely used and accepted ERC-20 token standard) is the currency used by the Belance platform in order to collect the funds as well as access some of the blockchain's most desirable features. The idea behind Belance is that there should be finally a one-stop-shop for all things in blockchain: that all features that are at this time spread out across many different platforms, the means of payment for certain services, the storing of the information in the cloud, the software kits developed to allow more and more people to have access to the development of decentralized applications, that are, in turn, also stored on the distributed ledger - all of these functionalities need to be collected in a single ecosystem, optimized for usage by the millions of potential clients, given the highest level of scalability possible, and then, of course, the blockchain should be made in a way where every transaction takes only seconds to be completed. Doing all of that is what Belance is all about.