Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

Consensus SEN

Token Blockchain: Ethereum CMC Rank: 944
  • USD: $0.00073
    1h: 0% 24h: 0% 7d: 16.12%
  • BTC: 0.000000037 BTC
  • ETH: 0.00000062 ETH
All Time High: $0.18 6 years ago
Current price is -100 % from ATH
  • Cap: $1 285 277
  • Vol 24h: $34.07 (0.00 %)
  • Circulating: 1 762 262 602 SEN (63.7 %)
  • Total: 2 765 305 400 SEN

Consensus Price Chart

About Consensus

Consensus is the open-sourced, decentralized artificial intelligence platform, powered by native cryptocurrency, and built with the vision to improve the governance mechanisms at all levels of organizational structures: community, startup, non-profit, enterprise, city, county or the entire country. Once fully realized, Consensus AI will be able to offer automated, data-driven solutions to the most complex problems of our collective co-existence by modelling the potential outcomes of proposed changes. Consensus will help govern communities, societies and countries in a more cost efficient, transparent and progressive manner. This will be implemented via collective voting, initiatives proposal and funding, execution reporting and intelligent algorithms that will perform project analysis and model the outcomes with the efficiency, budgetary concerns, social, environmental and other factors under consideration.

The mission of Consensus is to achieve collective governance based on interdependence using advanced technologies.

There are three main components to the Consensus system: the Sentient blockchain network built with verified nodes that allows running distributed machine learning, the Research Platform with extended data collection and modelling capabilities and the AI Advisor — a standalone system constantly monitoring and learning from the incoming available data that is used to make predictions. Later stages of development will include internally and externally built Dapps for various governance applications.

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How to add Consensus (SEN) ERC20 token to MyEtherWallet / MetaMask:

Consensus Transaction Chart

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SEN Supply Allocation

Consensus All Time High Chart

Consensus Social

Twitter Stats
  • Followers: 30,788
  • Lists: 109
  • Favourites: 20
  • Update Frequency: 0.0 statuses/day
  • Created: 7 years ago
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