Colossuscoin V2 (using the token ticker CV2) is the project that has in mind the best of intentions: create a cryptocurrency that would be usable, popular and scalable, all the while not succumbing to the drawbacks so prevalent in the usage of crypto. The main issue facing the blockchain-based currencies right now, according to the team of Colossuscoin, is the fact that the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm requires higher and higher volume of energy to be wasted trying to verify higher and higher value of transaction and block hashes. That leads to some mining farms consuming as much energy as moderately sized cities do, creating a threat for the overall world environment, as well as to the local ecosystems surrounding such immensely powerful structures. The idea behind Colossuscoin, therefore, is that the Proof-of-Stake algorithm can help the blockchain community to overcome that issue and conduct its business freely without damaging the planet.