Bolt token is an ERC 20 token that runs under the Ethereum block chain. It is a deflationary token meaning that the supply of BOLT token tends to decrease along with every transaction that take place through the Ethereum Block chain. BOLT has been created in a way that, whenever an amount is sent from one wallet address to another, only 95% of it reaches the destination. The remaining 5% of the token get to be divided into two (2) equal portions of 2.5% each. One of the portion, (2.5%), gets burned as it is sent to the Ethereum alpha wallet.
the rest, 2.5%, is the amount of tokens that goes to an inaccessible wallet as a stock to reward all holders of BOLT who will actually benefit regarding the amount of tokens they hold in their ERC 20 wallets monitored through the Ethereum block chain. Note that NO ONE has an access to this wallet. It tends to reward holders automatically whenever such a holder wants to claim his/her reward.