A curiously named Bob’s Repair is the project aiming to solve a very pertinent problem: the problem of the store owners simply deleting any and all of the reviews on their websites that they feel offend them or that they don’t want other customers to see. Not only that, but the most popular review aggregator websites, Yelp chief among them, have engaged in that same practice of editing, tampering with, or outright deleting the reviews if they are paid to do so. That’s been done both to the positive reviews of the place competing with the payer to the Yelp system, as well as the negative reviews of the stores and businesses who are not comfortable with the constructive criticism of their platform by the dissatisfied customers they have wronged. The Bob’s Repair uses the distributed ledger technology to once and for all resolve that type of problem. Storing every single review on the ledger allows a user to be absolutely sure that the text is secure and easily accessible to anybody.