BLOODY is a deflationary elastic experiment that clots if it doesn’t circulate.
How does clotting work?
Whenever the BLOODY transfer volume increases, everyone’s BLOODY balance gets a little bit bigger, whenever the BLOODY transfer volume decreases, everyone’s BLOODY balance gets a little bit smaller.
How is it deflationary?
Whenever there’s a BLOODY transfer, it spills. The faster it circulates, the higher the spill rate.
How often are rebases?
Hourly. After a rebase, transfers are frozen for 5 minutes.
How are BLOODY liquidity providers incentivized?
Half the spills are redistributed to BLOODY liquidity providers (up to 6% of ANY transfer).
A BLOODY-ROT pool will be added to Rottenswap on Halloween.
How is BLOODY initially distributed?
BLOODY cannot be minted, it is distributed once on Oct 27th 2020 to ROT holders with a balance above 7,500. The snapshot block (11106871) was chosen at random
20% of airdrop supply is allocated to a marketing/dev fund for the ROT ecosystem (was requested and voted on in multiple governance proposals, not my personal preference).
Are contracts audited?
BLOODY is written 100% from scratch, not tested nor audited. It is NOT secure, use at your own risk.
What does it BLOODY do?
Nothing, it is an experiment with no purpose.