Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%


Decentralized currency aiming for security, speed of transaction, and business implementation

Currency attempting to solve the many contemporary problems facing the blockchain technology by using PoS and high speed of transaction.

  • USD: $0.000038
    1h: 0% 24h: 0% 7d: 0%
  • BTC: 0.0000000033 BTC
All Time High: $0.0029 6 years ago
Current price is -99 % from ATH
  • Cap: -
  • Vol 24h: $0.00
  • Total: 3 099 587 BLS

BLISS Price Chart


BLISS (with the token ticker for the currency being BLS) is a project that is built in order to be a usable, easily implementable currency for the daily life of not only a consumer of goods and services around the world, but also for the merchants, small business owners as well as big, to be able to have security in their transactions and not worry about the potential threats, leaks and other malicious tampering with the financial information of the people using their businesses. The idea behind the project is that the cryptocurrency at this point needs some sort of revamping, it needs to have the backbone of an eco-friendly, environmentally-conscious platform that would allow the chain to scale without causing massive damage to the nature and the planet as a whole - which is one of the biggest problems the Bitcoin blockchain is facing at the moment. Bliss solves that using proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, but its team also implements the blockchain solutions like the usage of mobile app to allow for higher usage convenience.

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BLISS All Time High Chart