Bitforex (with the token ticker BF) is the platform that was designed specifically to be used by the crypto enthusiasts and traders from all over the world. The company itself was created in Singapore, while the registration is in Seychelles, and the company's teams are working all over the globe, in Germany, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Philippines, among many others. The Bitforex, as its name might suggest, is a trading platform that aims to replicate the amazing success achieved by the Forex trading platform. Capitalizing on the market hundreds of billions of dollars, Bitforex platform aims to provide a very stable stream of revenue to its backers, all the while growing its own platform and promoting the use of cryptocurrency in the world. The idea behind the Bitforex exchange is that there needs to be a truly user-oriented exchange, made by traders with traders in mind, that would lower the barrier of entry into the trading world as much as possible.