Market Cap: $1 613 224 898 870 (2.68%)
  • Volume 24h: $102 671 773 465 (6.36%)
  • Market Cap Change 24h: 2.68%
  • BTC dominance: 44.71%

Autonio NIO

Decentralized trading bot

Distributed AI-based bot that makes cryptocurrency trading system simple, useful and competitive.

Token Blockchain: Ethereum CMC Rank: 1008
  • USD: $0.089
    1h: 0.26% 24h: 3.3% 7d: 11.83%
  • BTC: 0.0000023 BTC
  • ETH: 0.000038 ETH
All Time High: $0.82 7 years ago
Current price is -89 % from ATH
  • Cap: $7 594 884
  • Vol 24h: $295 666 (3.89 %)
  • Circulating: 85 177 044 NIO (27.0 %)
  • Total: 315 000 000 NIO

Autonio Price Chart

About Autonio

Currently, to achieve algorithmic trade specialists develop scripts that require some coding skills. Moreover, there’s often lack of graphical interface in such scripts. The majority of trading solutions require expensive membership fees. That’s where Autonio platform comes to help.
The project deals with digital currency trading and provides functionality for trading analysis, involving developed trading algorithms. It allows low experienced users to grow into successful traders and eliminate losses on crypto tokens exchange. NIO bot analyzes trends of cryptocurrency world and creates buy and sell signals on its basis, that allow to trade cryptocurrency in effective way. The platform allows users to pass on their ideas regarding NIO coins usage, which are protected with smart contracts. The most effective and winning AI optimizations are displayed in the leaderboard, that creates a kind of competitive environment in which beginners study under experts. Here, inexperienced traders have access to platform’s “Learning Services” product, which includes consultations, different techniques to study from trading professionals and adopting their experience. The service is designed for those who are eager to learn how to use digital trading and technical analysis indicators in an effective way.
Also Autonio’s copy-trading offering makes it possible for traders, who have no time, to follow the portfolios of the most efficient traders on the platform for a daily followers fee, which is quite small. Participating experts will be listed on Autonio’s Expert Traders, where they can get profit out of their order data and provide value to those with less trading knowledge. The platform also suggests Autonio Algorithm Marketplace, which is an open domain for buying and selling trading techniques. Here traders can purchase the latest trading tools on an open peer-to-peer paradigma basis. The system is highly protected: algorithm information is encoded and held within the framework of user’s devices in order to secure the intellectual property of sellers.
Autonio aims to unite the crypto market community, integrate experts and newcomers and allow people from different spheres to share their experience. This all will benefit the community, which can make profit out of the crypto market volatility.

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How to add Autonio (NIO) ERC20 token to MyEtherWallet / MetaMask:

Autonio Transaction Chart

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NIO Supply Allocation

Autonio All Time High Chart

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  • Created: 7 years ago
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