With the mission of, “Connecting the people of the world through cosplay,” AMPLE! has aimed at providing a platform that would allow those who enjoy cosplaying to continue with their passion without having to leave anything behind.
We currently have users from over 70 countries throughout the world, who have uploaded more than 70 thousand pictures.
Moving forward, AMPLE! will be carrying out fundraising via ICO in order to help evolve into a new platform with the introduction of its own encrypted currency, “AMPLE! Coin (ACO).”
We will issue the ERC20 compliant token, AMPLE! Coin (ACO). ACO can be used as a payment method for a great variety of things including limited events, sales of goods, and direct support of cosplayers around the world. Moving forward, AMPLE! will continue to focus on, “making cosplay a profession.” By more easily connecting the many cosplayers and their fans around the world through the distribution of ACO, we will raise the market as a whole.